Liam is our youngest, and when he turned four we went to BK to celebrate. As we sat there eating in that corner booth, I watched my family. I thought to myself, I don't have babies anymore. I don't have toddlers. I have
children. And I began to think about how fast it had all gone by and how hard it was, and how I really didn't enjoy it as much as I should have. Those days were gone and I was never going to get them back.
Liam at 11 months |
And then I burst into tears. Seriously, I was sobbing and I could. not. stop. I cried my eyes out right there in the middle of Burger King.
(I wish I was one of those people who look pretty when they cry. Unfortunately, I have an ugly cry face.)
Liam at 8 1/2 |
Well, we recently had another milestone with Liam's baptism. In the LDS Church, eight is considered the age of accountability, the point at which a child can understand the decision he is making. Liam actually turned eight in October of last year, but we wanted to wait until my parents were here at Christmas. But then Quinn's parents were sick and unable to come, and it kept getting put off because there never seemed to be a weekend that worked. Finally we were able to line everything up and last weekend, Liam was finally baptized.
He was thrilled. It was the perfect day. So many people came and we were touched by the love and support that was shown him.
He was baptized and confirmed by his Dad. Grandma and Grandpa Martin
both spoke. His friends Alex and Mikey gave the opening and closing
prayers. The Bishop welcomed him to the ward.
Liam's little buddy Finn and his mom gave him the most beautiful
gift. To commemorate his baptism, they gave him a tree to plant so that
he can watch it grow to be big and strong. The card said that they know
his faith will stay strong like this mighty Redwood.
Liam and his tree are the same height now, but over the next ten years it is supposed to grow to between 70 and 100 feet tall! We will have to pick somewhere special to put it.
We are so proud of Liam. He was so ready to do this. He knows that he
has taken a very important step in his life and that he has made sacred
covenants with his Heavenly Father. He was so excited to receive the
gift of the Holy Ghost. He loved how he felt when he was baptized and
said he wished that he could feel like that every day.